Renpy-Deps 5.4.1 README ----------------------- These are all of the dependencies for Ren'Py. This file documents how you can build everything from scratch, in case you are running on a platform we don't currently support. If you're using Windows, you can probably just download an appropriate version of Ren'Py, which should come with precompiled dependencies already. If you're using Mac OS X or Linux x86, you can download precompiled dependencies from: respectively. Assuming you're still reading, you probably want to compile it yourself. You'll need a reasonably unix-alike build system. While most Linux systems come with all the build tools (you may need to install developer packages, however), you'll need to get them for Mac and Windows systems. For the Mac, this means installing Xcode, which includes GCC and the rest of the tools we need. For Windows, we recommend Msys/Mingw, which can be downloaded from . While it's probably possible to get this working with Cygwin, we recommend against it, as it would mean that your copy of Ren'Py would have to be covered by the GNU GPL. Anyway, once you have installed your development environment, you'll want to get a command line. (In Windows, this means the Msys command line.) You'll want to move the renpy-deps directory into a spot where you can access it from your development environment, and change into that directory. You'll need to have python 2.3 installed on your system, and usable when you type "python". If it's not in your path already, you'll have to add it. On Windows, this can be done for a default install of Python 2.3 by typing: export PATH=/c/python23:$PATH On Mac OS X, you'll need to be sure your Python has pyobjc installed. Download it from: If you're interested on running on a G3, you'll need to disable altivec support. Do this by running the command: export NOALTIVEC=true Finally, you're ready to build. Run the command: sh This will take a long time, but will recompile all of Ren'Py's dependencies. When it's done, if it succeeds, it will create the file in the directory where you did the build. You'll want to source that file, with a command like: . Now, you'll want to build the Ren'Py modules. Change into the module directory of a Ren'Py install tree, and run: python install_lib -d $PYTHONPATH On Mingw32, you'll want to run: python build --compiler=mingw32 install_lib -d $PYTHONPATH This will compile and install the Ren'Py modules. When you want to run Ren'Py, you'll want to ensure python is in your PATH, and then source Then change into a directory with a file, and type: python This will run Ren'Py games using the dependencies you compiled.